Wednesday, February 18, 2009

7 years d fren...

hmm...i think i got quite a time din update my blog aldy...
not bcuz im bzy...i dam free...
juz...i dun wan to say much abt now i say abt my fren...
juz now i hv a chat wif janson...
my old old fren...hmm...i think i noe him for 6 or 7 years...
tell the far know for 7 years d fren is really less for me...mayb janson is the only 1...
i remember i noe janson since im frm1 in tuition center...or did i? 
dunno la...long time no count wif janson liao...which we always did previously...XD
n hor...after i msn wif janson...he told me many thing abt him...
secret...of coz i wont say it...if not im dead 2moro...
he din really much tell me abt his thing...but if tell...then will always same topic...haha...
so do i...i always say my thing to him...
i think so far noe most of my secret is him...(dun tell other...if not 2moro dead d is u...)
after listen his story...i juz think tat wat u face is more terrible than me...something hanging in air...
dulu i told u my thing n always think abt tat im more sad than u...but the fact? no...
dunno wat im saying now...i dun even noe will u c tis...
but if u c...something i really wan to say deep frm my heart...
i really sry if i done anything bad to u back in time...
tat time i really dam stupid n dun even think b4 act...
now diff...mayb i still look not serious to u...always play play only...
but i juz wanna cover up myself...
im serious for every words i said...juz dun wan to show it up...

7 years...not a short time for me...
if u do really c tis...remember for tat 7 years!!haha
if got time...come out yc again la..tis time i belanja..XD really n no joke!!